Rum and Thyme Pigeon Salad

On Saturday we popped to Saltburn farmers market, which seems to be going from strength to strength with more producers and more products available every month, amongst a huge haul of foodie delights I bought some pigeon breasts, which i’m a big fan of but hadn’t really cooked with before. So when it came to cooking them last night I wasn’t 100% sure what to do with them, I knew I wanted to be quite healthy but still filling and I knew that I needed the meat to be pink in the middle and that I was going to make a salad, other than that I decided to see what I had kicking around in the kitchen and go from there. It turned out really well, although I’d maybe leave out the walnuts next time and possibly add a tiny bit of crumbled crispy black...

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Hairy Dieters Week 5

Week 5 of my Hairy Dieters cook along has been a cracker, I made two new recipes and also re made the Stuffed peppers that I’d already made in week 2 both the recipes were great and I think I managed to improve on the stuffed peppers. First up I made the Parma ham wrapped cod, mainly to see how it compared to my slightly less healthy cod recipes and my cod crusted with chilli, i’m please to report it was super simple to make and really delicious to eat. I just had mine with the vegetables but I made a jacket potato for the wife. It would also go well with new potatoes and might be nice with some cherry tomatoes added to the vegetable mix. Next up were the stuffed peppers, I’d loved them the first time round didn’t think the majority of...

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Hairy Dieters Week 4

This week has been a bit of a strange week, I spent some of the bank holiday in the pub and some camped up in the lake district which left only a few meals to cook, I made another version of my baked frittata, same recipe but without the lemon and with different veg, I also made my favourite bolognese recipe, with some pasta, it’s not too bad at around 400 calories per portion (depending on pasta and portion size), unfortunately this was preceded by some of my arancini as we had the in-laws round for tea and of course I made three new meals from the Hairy Dieters book. First up was the Hairy Dieters fish stew, I thought it was delicious, really full of flavour and really filling, especially with the garlic mayo ciabatta, I will admit to adding a splash of...

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Hairy Dieters Week 3

I only cooked 2 meals from the Hairy Dieters book as i’ve been experimenting with my own low calorie meals, including this lovely baked frittata and was a bit naughty and went for a curry on Thursday. So this week’s recipes were the spicy vegetable stew and the crispy baked chicken. I served the spicy veg stew with some rice so that added some extra calories to the one in the book, I also replaced the aubergine with a couple of mushrooms as the shop didn’t have any aubergine. It was really nice but could have done with a bit more spice, so next time I’ll be adding extra chilli of some sort, maybe freshly sliced. The crispy chicken was ok, but not my favourite recipe from the book so far, the inside was juicy and moist but i just felt the...

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Hairy Dieters Week 2

I’ve just completed my second week of meals (and about to begin the third) from the Hairy Dieters cook book and so far it’s all been very tasty and very simple. The second week comprised of Harissa chicken with Bulgar Wheat, this was delicious, i’m a huge fan of Harissa and i’d never had Bulgar Wheat before so was looking forward to seeing how it turned out. The Bulgar Wheat texture was great and once it had all of the flavours from the salad added to it it tasted great, I’ll certainly be using it as an accompaniment to food in the future, my only slight concern with the dish was the amount of lemon juice, i’d possibly turn that down a little next time. I also added half a corn on the cob (an extra 70 calories) as we had a...

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